- Clark Mills School
- After Care Information
For Parents
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The following information is provided so that you are aware of other before care options and after care options available to you. The following private schools are within your home school area, and we can provide transportation to and from the Clark Mills School. Babysitting requests need to be for 5 consecutive days. Each child is only assigned one seat on a bus for the morning and afternoon. If you choose this option you must complete the Manalapan Englishtown Regional School District Childcare Request Form.
____Goddard, 22 Wilson Ave., 732-446-5155 PreK – 2nd
____Ivy League, 140 Gordons Corner Rd., 732-446-7035 PreK – 6th Click here for more information.
____Jennifer Palmer, 149 iron Ore Road, (732) 598-5323 Pk-8
The YMCA of Greater Monmouth County has requested space to run an independent After Care program in the district. If the YMCA has determined that there are a sufficient number of students in Clark Mills, your children will be escorted to/from the program from/to their classroom to attend their After-Care program – if you choose to register them through the YMCA. For information about the YMCA After-Care program, please contact the YMCA of Greater Monmouth County at 732-566-9266. You can also find more information here: https://ymcanj.org/child-
care/ykids-before-after- school-care